Can you remineralize your teeth with toothpaste?

Remineralizing your teeth is a multistep process that requires a great deal of attention, but yes it can be done. And Shasta Sage Wellness offers a remineralizing toothpaste that can help you achieve success with tooth remineralization. Here are some other factors to consider.

First, understand what causes tooth decay.

It’s best to stop decay before it starts. How did your teeth become damaged in the first place? A combination of unhealthy foods, lack of minerals in the diet, and an acidic environment in both mouth and the body can wreak havoc on your dental health.

We at Shasta Sage cannot stress the importance of good dental care, which is why we pack our oral care products with the most powerful natural ingredients possible while still being better than a whole tooth extraction, and a heck of a lot cheaper than a root canal.

As we’ve just learned, the tooth enamel is the most important layer to take care of. It’s very sensitive to acidic foods and beverages. Carbohydrates are a big acid producer as well. Certain kinds of oral bacteria can consume carbohydrates and sugar and use them to produce acid and mucus. The enamel will slowly begin to break down and dissolve as we introduce more and more acid.

What are the parts of a healthy tooth?

  • The Enamel – The shield of the tooth. The enamel is by far the hardest of the three layers, in fact it’s the hardest substance in the human body. However, the enamel is not indestructible, it’s biggest weakness is acid. This is why sodas such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi are known to wreak havoc on your teeth. They both have a Ph level less than 2.5 (anything under 7 is acidic)
  • The Dentin – The Second layer of the tooth. The dentin is much softer than the enamel, its primary function is to reinforce the enamel to protect the pulp.
  • The Pulp – The center layer. The pulp contains vital tissues made up of nerves and blood. The pulp is a very soft and delicate layer, much softer than the dentin. Once tooth decay reaches the pulp, there’s a high chance of a root canal or an extraction being necessary to avoid further oral infection or worse.

A common question we often hear is:

How do I remineralize my teeth?

Remineralization is a completely natural process that your body can do automatically. However, if you keep introducing harmful acidic substances to your teeth, they will be damaged faster than they can be repaired, especially if they’re not provided proper nutrients! Heck, I might even go as far to say that nutrients is more important than brushing and flossing! In nature we were given neither, but we were given nutritional plants and herbs.

It’s common knowledge that a key component in our teeth is calcium. When we think calcium, we think of milk, so we should drink a lot of milk, right? Wrong. When we drink milk it forms mucus in our bodies. Mucus is acidic, and will cause a lot of problems throughout our body, not just with our teeth. A great alternative we highly recommend is Irish Sea Moss, Bladderwrack and most sea vegetables such as Dulse, Nori and Spirulina.

Other than calcium, another extremely important mineral to get your teeth in tiptop shape is iodine. It is not a mineral found directly in your teeth, but one that your body needs in order to get the calcium where it needs to go. The parathyroid is responsible for controlling the calcium ions in your blood and directing them to the proper areas. Without proper iodine, the parathyroid is very inefficient at this task, if it even does it at all. A perfect remedy for this is Myrrh. Myrrh is high in iodine and has been know to treat all kinds of oral infections and oral inflammation. (Be careful when using myrrh, high doses can potentially be toxic)

Yet another commonly known asset to our teeth is good old Vitamin D. Several studies have shown that people with good Vitamin D intake are less likely to develop cavities. As a matter of fact, when given Vitamin D supplements, it showed that their cavities were healing rather quickly! We suggest getting your Vitamin D from direct sunlight rather than store-bought supplements. The Vitamin D your body harvests from sunlight can be up 10x more effective than any supplement. However, if sunlight is scarce in your location, other excellent Vitamin D sources are Mushrooms, Stinging Nettles and Irish Sea Moss.

Lastly, we need to take care of the mucus forming bacteria that are clinging onto your teeth. A great solution to this is simply using Coconut Oil. Coconut oil attacks all of the harmful bacteria in your mouth as well as reduces plaque buildup. Coconut Oil has also been known to fight gum disease.

Shasta Sage Remineralizing Toothpaste & Mouthwash Bathe Your Teeth in Support

We’ve formulated the Shasta Sage Remineralizing Toothpaste with all of the ingredients your teeth need to be healthy. In a teeth whitening base of coconut oil, we add calcium powder that can support your tooth enamel. Baking soda neutralizes the acid that can eat at tooth enamel. Xylitol kills the bacteria that create acidic environments.

Other toothpastes cannot compare. Unlike other toothpastes that contain glycerin and foaming agents, Shasta Sage Remineralizing Toothpaste rebuilds and supports your teeth. The porous nature of teeth can absorb calcium and myrrh to keep them strong and healthy. Myrrh’s antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can also help keep your gums in pristine condition, fighting off many oral diseases and ailments.

Our mouthwash on the other hand is a nutritional bath for your teeth and gums. It washes away the leftover bacteria and gunk left in your mouth, while still coating your teeth with minerals afterwards.

We have a special offer for you!

We understand that remineralizing and bringing your oral health to pristine condition can be challenging, time consuming, and expensive. Our only goal at Shasta Sage Wellness is to help you become your healthiest self, so we’re offering 45% off on both our toothpaste and mouthwash to anyone who uses the coupon code

We understand that remineralizing and bringing your oral health to pristine condition can be challenging, time consuming, and expensive. Our only goal at Shasta Sage Wellness is to help you become your healthiest self, so we’re offering 45% off on both our toothpaste and mouthwash to anyone who uses the coupon code

We understand that remineralizing and bringing your oral health to pristine condition can be challenging, time consuming, and expensive. Our biggest goal at Shasta Sage Wellness is to help you become your healthiest self, so we’re offering 45% off on both our toothpaste and mouthwash to anyone who uses the coupon code REMINERALIZE at checkout. We hope you enjoy!

Find our Remineralizing Mouthwash and Toothpaste here

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